What Medical Supplies and Equipment Does Medicare Part B Cover?

When it comes to Medicare, there are a lot of different choices that you’ll need to make. One of the most important choices is whether you’ll enroll in Original Medicare (which consists of Parts A and B) or switch to Medicare Advantage. When you’re choosing between these two options, it’s important to consider the coverage that they provide, as well as your individual budget.

Making the choice between Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage is an important one. This choice will impact the coverage that you have, as well as your ability to purchase any supplemental coverage. If you do choose Original Medicare, then it’s important to consider what Parts A and B cover. Keep reading if you want to learn more about Part B’s coverage!

What Does Part B Cover?

Medicare Part B mainly provides coverage for durable medical equipment and preventative services.

If you’re interested in medical supply and equipment coverage, then you should learn more about the durable medical equipment provision. Within this area of coverage, you can get a wide variety of equipment covered. Some of the equipment that can be covered includes wheelchairs, crutches, hospital beds, patient lifts and traction equipment.

Sometimes Medicare will allow a patient to keep equipment permanently. In other cases, Medicare will allow the patient to rent the equipment and then they’ll return it in the future. It’s important to know the terms of your equipment so that you can plan accordingly.

While Medicare Part B does provide coverage for durable medical equipment, there are many other areas of coverage included within this part. Mental health services, as well as ambulances, are also included.

Part B is an excellent option if you’re wanting coverage for medical equipment. However, it’s important to remember that there are still costs associated with Medicare. You’ll need to meet your annual deductible before your full coverage will begin, so your deductible is an important number to keep in mind when you’re thinking about your budget.

Is Part B the Right Choice for You?

Choosing Part B is a great choice for many. If you are choosing Original Medicare, it’s important to think about what your coverage will offer and take advantage of your coverage as much as possible. If you have questions about the different areas of coverage within Medicare, reach out to us and make an appointment.