Does Medicare Cover Dental Services?

Dental coverage can be costly. Whether or not you plan to use dental services in the near future, it’s important that you have coverage as emergencies can happen. Having dental coverage for those moments is the best way to ensure that you don’t have to pay the entirety of the costs out-of-pocket.

Let’s talk about whether or not Medicare covers dental services. Hint: In some cases, Medicare does provide dental services. 

Original Medicare (Parts A and B)

Original Medicare does not cover regular dental services. This means that Original Medicare doesn’t cover dental examinations or related services. If you have Original Medicare and you need dental work done, then you’ll most likely be paying those costs entirely out-of-pocket. However, there is one exception to this.

The only time when Original Medicare will cover dental services is when they’re received within a hospital. Because this falls within inpatient care, this service falls within Part A coverage.

Medicare Advantage (Part C)

Unlike Original Medicare, Medicare Advantage policies can include dental coverage. Medicare Advantage policies have the option to include dental, vision, and hearing coverage. This can be one of the best ways to save money and make sure that you have as much coverage as possible.

If you anticipate needing dental services, it’s important that your policy contains the right coverage. Having a Medicare Advantage policy with added dental coverage could save you from spending hundreds of dollars out-of-pocket.

Medicare Advantage is a great option for those that are wanting flexible coverage. Especially if you want coverage that Parts A and B don’t offer, then Part C could be the right choice for you. If you’re still feeling unsure, it can be beneficial to speak with an insurance professional who can provide you with more information.

Give Us a Call Today!

If you’re trying to find ways to save money regarding coverage, Medicare With Jake can help. We understand what it takes to select the right areas of coverage and love helping our clients find the right solutions for them. If you’re ready to start the Medicare enrollment process, reach out to us today!