Does Medicare Cover Home Health Services?

Did you know that Medicare coverage is broken up into multiple parts? This makes coverage easier to understand and can benefit you while you’re going through the policy selection process. Because there’s such a wide variety of Medicare plans, picking the right one can be challenging.

One of the best ways to pick the right Medicare coverage is to start with the areas you know need to be included in your plan. If you know that you need home health services, then you can start by checking which parts of Medicare include this in their coverage.

Home Health Services

If you need home health services, you most likely know how expensive they can be. Paying for home health services can present a large amount of financial strain for some people, so it’s great to find an insurance plan that includes it.

Original Medicare does include some home health services. These include therapy, part-time nursing care, medical equipment, and more. If you think that you could need any of these services, you must understand what your Medicare plan includes. This is the best way to ensure that you aren’t spending money on coverage you do not need.

While Medicare does cover the services mentioned above, there are some services that Medicare doesn’t cover. These services include 24-hour nursing care, deliverable meals, and homemaker services. If you need these services, then it may be best for you to seek the help of a home health agency, though you’ll most likely end up paying out-of-pocket for their services.

Being aware of your coverage is one of the best ways to reduce your bills as much as possible. Remember, if you end up using a service not covered by your Medicare plan, you most likely will need to pay the entire cost out-of-pocket. This could potentially be thousands of dollars, so it’s best to understand your coverage before making any medical decisions.

Get the Coverage You Need!

If you’re looking to save money when it comes to home health, make an appointment to speak with Medicare With Jake! We’re always looking for ways to provide guidance to our clients and coverage solutions that work for their individual situations. Reach out to us today so we can get your Medicare journey started!