Is Medicare Coverage As Good As My Employer Group Coverage?

When it comes to Medicare, there’s a lot of coverage that’s provided. Whether you’re looking for inpatient coverage or dental and vision coverage, it’s all possible with Medicare, although some limitations are possible. 

However, what do you do when you already have health insurance coverage through your employer? Which coverage is better, and how do you choose? These are very common questions asked, but Medicare With Jake is here to help you get the answers you need!

Employer Group Coverage

Whether Medicare is better than your employer group coverage is an incredibly individual thing. Some people are very happy with their employer group coverage, while others find that Medicare is a much better choice for them. Which one you choose will depend on your individual health needs, as well as your coverage needs and your budget.

While your employer coverage might be enough for now, it’s important to think about retirement. If you’re going to be losing your employer coverage, then Medicare is most likely the right choice for you. Many people choose to enroll when they’re first eligible, which is typically around their 65th birthday. Enrolling during this time is a great way to be sure that you’re getting access to as much coverage as possible.

Can You Have Both Employer Health Insurance and Medicare At the Same Time?

It is entirely possible to be enrolled in both Medicare and your employer coverage. This is a great way to maximize your benefits and make sure that you have access to the healthcare you need. Enrolling in Medicare should not impact your employer group coverage because they’re two separate policies.

Reach Out Today for More Information?

If you’re trying to choose between Medicare and your employer group coverage, it can be helpful to speak with an insurance professional. We’re always here to answer your questions and make sure that you’re getting the most out of your coverage. We’ll help you determine if having both types of coverage will benefit you more in the short and long-term and why!

To learn more about combining both types of coverage, reach out to us today!